rfc2629-tools 0.1.4

I just released a new version of my RFC 2629 processing tools. The txt2kindle and xml2mobi commands are unchanged, but the rfc2629 command was rewritten from scratch. I needed to add some extensions in the XSLT processing that was not supported by xsltproc, so I rewrote it in Java. Because of this I was able to add a nice feature for including the references in a RFC 2629 document.

In the previous version of the tool, a reference can be added by using something like this:

<references xmsns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" title="Normative References">
  <xi:include href="http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5054.xml" />

This is still supported, but now an IETF URN (RFC 2648) can be used instead:

<references xmsns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" title="Normative References">
  <xi:include href="urn:ietf:rfc:2543" />

In addition to be less verbose, this notation has the advantage that I-D references can refer to a current version of an I-D instead of to the version that is publicly available. That was already in the previous version, but was cumbersome to use. With the current version, if you pass more than one RFC 2629 file to the rfc2629 command, it will use the version and data of the generated file in the cross references, instead of the public one.

In the future I will extend this feature to add a local cache. One of the most annoying problem with references (either when using Xinclude or <?rfc include ?>) is that you need to be connected to the Internet. It will be possible to store the references on the local disk and use them if there is no Internet connection available (or always use the cache for RFC references as they never change).

Note that only the rfc: and id: NSS are currently implemented.