Jarc: Junit integration

Unit testing is, in my opinion, one of the most important tool that a developer wants to use to write software. I am not fond of all the techniques proposed by the eXtreme Programming (to say the least) but having popularized unit testing is one of the things that the Agile methodologies should be credited for. Instead of having various tests scattered on multiple systems and prone to bit rotting, Junit permits to package all this tests together and to run them each time a product is built. I generally integrate the unit tests in the build, so a final package cannot be built without passing all the tests. The proprietary version of jarc had a switch to build and run the unit tests in one command line.

The version 0.2.5 of jarc continues in this spirit, but instead of having to build first a jar file and then compile and run the unit tests, it automatically build and run unit tests if they are available. Here’s an example of manifest file with unit tests:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: org.implementers.apps.turnuri.Main
X-Jarc-Target: 1.6

Name: org/implementers/apps/turnuri/Main.class

Name: org/implementers/apps/turnuri/TurnUriTest.class
X-Jarc-Test: true

With this manifest file, jarc will build a jar file with Main as root of the dependencies, then build a second, internal, jar file with TurnUriTest as root of the dependencies and use it as Junit test. The X-Jarc-Test attribute can also take the value “false” to deactivate a test temporarily.

Note that the jar file is written on the disk even if the unit tests fail.