RELOAD: implementers mailing-list

A mailing-list dedicated for implementers of RELOAD (draft-ietf-p2psip-base) has been created and will be announced very soon in the P2PSIP mailing-list. This is not an official IETF mailing-list, but a place to discussion implementation details of the RELOAD protocol and its extensions (similar to what the sip-implementors mailing-list does for SIP).

The registration page is at, and the current description is this:

"This list is for discussing implementation issues for the current version of RELOAD, including questions on current protocol features and extensions. Protocol development issues are discussed on the list.

The first posting for a new member is always moderated, so it can take up to 24 hours for this post to appear.

Commercial advertisements of any form (for products, software, jobs) are inappropriate. Announcements related to RELOAD interoperability test events or FOSS software are welcome. Product names may be mentioned if necessary ("Software X, Y and Z does it that way."), while disparaging or general comments ("Software W sucks rocks.") are inappropriate. Because there is no way to correctly process them, emails containing legal boilerplate are inappropriate.

Never cross-post a message to both the RELOAD list ( and this list."